Dec 28, 2007
#27 Brain Science Podcast: This episode is a brief review of the
first year of the Brain Science
Podcast. I review some of the major topics that we have
explored including memory, consciousnesses, decision-making, body
maps, and plasticity. Then we look ahead to next year.
What was your favorite episode? What was the...
Dec 14, 2007
Brain Science Podcast #26 is an interview with Norman Doidge, MD,
author of The
Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the
Frontiers of Brain Science.
We discuss the historical background of the recent discovery of
neuroplasticity, the work of several pioneering scientists, and why
plasticity can...
Nov 30, 2007
#25 Brain Science Podcast: This is an interview with Rolf Pfeifer, director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Zurich. We discuss biorobotics and the field of embodied artificial intelligence. This approach involved realizing that brains are not isolated computational devices. Instead...
Nov 16, 2007
#24 Brain Science Podcast: Reading and the Brain. Dr. Ginger Campbell discusses the new book, "Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain" (2007), by Maryanne Wolf. We explore the history of writing and reading, how individuals learn to read, and touch briefly on why some people can't learn...
Oct 19, 2007
#23 Brain Science Podcast: Interview with Sandra Blakeslee, co-author of
The Body Has a Mind of Its
This is a follow-up on Episode 21, which a discussion of
Blakeslee's new book about body maps. In the interview we talk
about the relationship between body maps (in the brain) and
neuroplasticity, as well as how...